Sunday, January 13, 2008

Taylor's BDAY!!!!

Yesturday was Taylor's 5th birthday...I can't believe how fast that went...We went to my mom's in the morning and Taylor wanted to open her presents as soon as we got there...My mom got her Mr. Potatoe Head,A Barbie bathroom that goes with the Barbie bedroom that she got for Christmas, and a Barbie guitar...She really loves that guitar...We only got her clothes because we spent a whole lot of money on her for Christmas...She also got a Barbie movie and some more clothes...She really did need new clothes though..After she opened presents she went riding with her daddy and papa...She loves riding her quad...I really think she will go pro one day...Later on we went home and then went to Red Robin for dinner...She was very excited when they brought her a birthday sundae and sang to her... But that was her bday...Not much happend but she loved it and had a great birthday...And that is all that matters to me...


My life said...

HEY, where ya been with the blogging lately.