Sunday, January 13, 2008

Taylor's BDAY!!!!

Yesturday was Taylor's 5th birthday...I can't believe how fast that went...We went to my mom's in the morning and Taylor wanted to open her presents as soon as we got there...My mom got her Mr. Potatoe Head,A Barbie bathroom that goes with the Barbie bedroom that she got for Christmas, and a Barbie guitar...She really loves that guitar...We only got her clothes because we spent a whole lot of money on her for Christmas...She also got a Barbie movie and some more clothes...She really did need new clothes though..After she opened presents she went riding with her daddy and papa...She loves riding her quad...I really think she will go pro one day...Later on we went home and then went to Red Robin for dinner...She was very excited when they brought her a birthday sundae and sang to her... But that was her bday...Not much happend but she loved it and had a great birthday...And that is all that matters to me...

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well I am bummed....We were supposed to go to Supercross on Saturday the 19th but we had to cancel our plans...But it's for a good reason...My mom talked to her talked to her doctor today and got her surgery moved up to the 17th....That is really good since she has been in a lot of pain for months now....But she was our babysitter...I am happy that she is getting her surgery though...I don't like seeing her in pain and she is finally going to be over this...YAY....Oh by the way some good news.....Bailey finally got her first tooth... We have been waiting forever for it!!! Real food here we come!


Well I finally got my house completely clean...It was so dirty...I got everything thing clean even the stairs...I am very proud of myself...Now I just have to finish laundry...It makes me feel so great knowing that my house is clean...I haven't been able to feel this way in a very long time(living with other people is not as fun as it sounds)..But now that it is just back to my little family I can make sure everything is clean and sparkling....Every part of the house :)

God Bless


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hello There

Hello There...My name is Tammy Kennedy...I am 21 and I have been married for 4 1/2 years... I am the mother of two beautiful girls....My oldest is Taylor and she is going to be 5 on Saturday which is 3 days away...My youngest is Bailey and she is 9 months old...My husband and I are Christian and love giving our lives to the Lord...I grew up in a Christian family but my husband just recentley got saved a few months ago...It has completely changed our lives...We went from having no money(and I mean NO MONEY) and living with my parents to a much better life...I always looked at what other people had and get very jealous...Since going to church and actively reading my bible I have learned that, that is really not a good thing by any means...So we started giving everything to the Lord...Next thing you know Ben got an awsome job that he loves and he is making great money...And we just moved into a beautiful home and we are starting to get ourselves out of debt and repair everything we did....Not to mention our marriage has never been better....We are still learning and growing in our faith everyday...Well that is about it for now...Thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts! :)